Here are some questions which I get asked frequently:
Q. Are you going to write any more books? A. I'm always writing new manuscripts, editing them and submitting to publishers. Publishers are sent hundreds of manuscripts every year, so it's not that easy to get a book published. Q. Have you got any more books coming out? A. A Perfect Little Monster was released in 2020. Now I'm waiting to hear back from publishers who are interested in some of my manuscripts. Q. Can you help me get my manuscript published? A. Here is some advice for how to get published and some handy links. I can also critique your picture book manuscript. Q. How much do you get paid? A. With traditional publishers, such as Walker Books, picture book authors usually get 5% of the retail price. Illustrators also get 5%. Q. Have you thought about self-publishing? A. I love working with traditional publishers. They understand the market better than I do, they are experts on every aspect of publishing and they invest their time and money in my book. I love working collaboratively with editors, illustrators, art directors and graphic designers, which results in a much better book than if I produced it myself. Q. Isn't it mostly boys who have Asperger's? A. Yes. It's mostly boys, and all the rest are girls. Q. Would you like a piece of fruit? A. No thank you. Q. What is Asperger's? (I don't get asked this so now that Asperger's is included in the Autism Spectrum. But the answer still applies when people ask about autism) A. I didn't know much about it either until my daughter was diagnosed. People who have Asperger's don't have an illness, they think in a different way. They are especially good at some things and have great difficulty with other things. Each Aspie is a unique person and may have different strengths and struggles. The common areas which people with Asperger's have difficulty in are: - understanding how other people are thinking and feeling - conversation skills - understanding and handling emotions - coping with the unexpected - obsession with a particular topic - body awareness and clumsiness - dealing with everything which comes in from the 5 senses Some strengths are often: - maybe great at maths or computers - maybe an amazing memory especially for facts - maybe great at art, drama or music - obsession with a particular topic Some famous scientists, musicians and artists are Aspies Q. Is there a cure for Asperger's? A. No, it's not a disease. People with Asperger's don't have something 'wrong' with them. However, it's hard for them to fit in because they are different to others. They can learn skills which come naturally to others, such as social cues. Even though I'm sad when my daughter is teased or can't cope with a situation, I love her as she is and I don't want her personality to change. Q. Mum, where are my socks? A. In the drawer. Q. What was your favourite picture book as a child? A. Princess Penelope's 365 dresses by Mariette Vanhalewijn, illustrated by Jaklien Moerman |
Me on the first day of year 3 in 1981.
In this book, Prince William doesn't marry Kate, he marries Penelope. Kate becomes Penelope's personal maid.
Q. Are you pregnant?
A. NO! (I'm not even fat. I'm just skinny everywhere except for my tummy. And yes, people do ask me this, although it might be less frequent than it seems.)
Q. What were your favourite books when you were a school kid?
A. The Chronicles of Narnia, The Tower of Geburah,The Famous Five, The Wishing Chair and The Faraway Tree and everything else by Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl books, Trixie Belden series, Milly-Molly-Mandy series, The Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna, Patricia St.John books, The Hiding Place
Q. Where's my Spiderman suit?
A. Hanging on the line.
Q. Would you like a cup of tea?
A. Ooo - yes please
Q. It won't matter if you miss church for just one week, will it?
A. Nnnyeah, it does matter. I want to go because I'm committed to my group. (It feels like I get asked this question about once each week)
Q. Why do you want to write picture books?
A. Mostly because I enjoy it.
- It's not because I think I'm particularly good at it.
- It's not to make money or I would go and get a job.
- It's not because I want to BE an author - I'm fine with who I am already (that is, a child of God through Jesus).
I do hope to create stories which children and adults will get some enjoyment out of, and stories which will touch people's hearts. I hope that in the future I might be able to write stories which will help children know and love God better. But at the moment, it's mostly because I enjoy it. It's a break from my normal work, and fun to do even if I don't have any stories published.
Q. Are you pregnant?
A. NO! (I'm not even fat. I'm just skinny everywhere except for my tummy. And yes, people do ask me this, although it might be less frequent than it seems.)
Q. What were your favourite books when you were a school kid?
A. The Chronicles of Narnia, The Tower of Geburah,The Famous Five, The Wishing Chair and The Faraway Tree and everything else by Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl books, Trixie Belden series, Milly-Molly-Mandy series, The Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna, Patricia St.John books, The Hiding Place
Q. Where's my Spiderman suit?
A. Hanging on the line.
Q. Would you like a cup of tea?
A. Ooo - yes please
Q. It won't matter if you miss church for just one week, will it?
A. Nnnyeah, it does matter. I want to go because I'm committed to my group. (It feels like I get asked this question about once each week)
Q. Why do you want to write picture books?
A. Mostly because I enjoy it.
- It's not because I think I'm particularly good at it.
- It's not to make money or I would go and get a job.
- It's not because I want to BE an author - I'm fine with who I am already (that is, a child of God through Jesus).
I do hope to create stories which children and adults will get some enjoyment out of, and stories which will touch people's hearts. I hope that in the future I might be able to write stories which will help children know and love God better. But at the moment, it's mostly because I enjoy it. It's a break from my normal work, and fun to do even if I don't have any stories published.