Debra Tidball launched The Scared Book, her second picture book, on the weekend. Debra is such a supportive friend--she is always at friends' launches and tweeting about other people's books. This was obvious at her launch, because The Children's Bookshop was packed with authors who came to celebrate Debra's success. Debra is part of COW (Children's Omega Writers) and a few of us were there to cheer her on - Zoe Gaetjens, me, Penny Reeve and Katrina Roe are there in the photo on the left with Debra. |
As well as being a great friend, Debra is a fantastic author. Her first book, When I see Grandma, is a gentle story about visiting a grandparent with Alzheimer's. The Scared Book shows has a dramatically different tone, showing what a versatile writer Debra is. The book is scared and readers are invited to rub away goosebumps, blow away butterflies and flick away monsters. It's such a fun interactive book, which will work well with groups or individuals. |