Lisa Flanagan and I launched The Mighty Mighty King before Christmas, but with all the Christmas craziness, I forgot to blog about it. Koorong Penrith hosted our launch. Initially I wondered if enough people would want to come, considering how recently I had launched Captain Sneer. I didn't need to worry--the room was overflowing with friends and fans. There wasn't even space outside the door for people to see in! I felt so bad for people who came for our launch and had to stand outside. Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate with us. |
Youthworks sent our editor Natasha Percy to launch the book. They also sent a box full of fantastic lolly bags. The highlight for me was watching Lisa's 'illustrated journey'. She told the story of Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem, drawing their journey's ups and downs. I knew the lines on the page were going to turn into something recognisable by the end, but I gasped along with all the children when the last stroke turned the squiggles into a sleeping baby. It felt like magic!
The winner of the dress-up competition was a shepherd complete with cuddly sheep. The winner of the door prize was my own Dad. He won a gorgeous pack of cards by Lisa. The kids decorated kings' crowns and went home happy because there were just enough lolly bags for everyone.