Published in Reading Time November 2012
** ROWE, Jeanette Rex the Tyrannosaurus ISBN 9781743310083 Tracy the Pterodactyl ISBN 9781743310151 Bruce the
Brachiosaurus ISBN 978174310144 Tip the Triceratops ISBN 9781743310113 (Dinosauritis: Catch the Dinosaur Bug)
Allen & Unwin, 2012 unpaged $12.99
If you know a preschool-aged boy, then you are probably familiar with dinosauritis, an affliction which has children everywhere addicted to dinosaurs.
Dinosauritis: Catch the Bug is a non-fiction series suitable for 2-4 year olds. The illustrations feature Jeanette Rowe’s trademark vibrant colours, cute dinosaurs and favourite vehicles. The information is presented in a way which the youngest children will relate to, for example: a triceratops was ‘bigger than ten rhinos all glued together’. There is plenty of childish silliness, such as ‘pterodactyls do love children, but only with sauce!’
Each book has an activity page: Rex has a maze, Tracy has match-the-shadow, Tip has spot-the-difference and my favourite is Bruce, with a simple snakes and ladders style game. The joke pages may not be as funny to a preschooler as the fun facts: A single poo from a brachiosaurus was the size of a small car. A fun series for budding dinosaur fans.
Brachiosaurus ISBN 978174310144 Tip the Triceratops ISBN 9781743310113 (Dinosauritis: Catch the Dinosaur Bug)
Allen & Unwin, 2012 unpaged $12.99
If you know a preschool-aged boy, then you are probably familiar with dinosauritis, an affliction which has children everywhere addicted to dinosaurs.
Dinosauritis: Catch the Bug is a non-fiction series suitable for 2-4 year olds. The illustrations feature Jeanette Rowe’s trademark vibrant colours, cute dinosaurs and favourite vehicles. The information is presented in a way which the youngest children will relate to, for example: a triceratops was ‘bigger than ten rhinos all glued together’. There is plenty of childish silliness, such as ‘pterodactyls do love children, but only with sauce!’
Each book has an activity page: Rex has a maze, Tracy has match-the-shadow, Tip has spot-the-difference and my favourite is Bruce, with a simple snakes and ladders style game. The joke pages may not be as funny to a preschooler as the fun facts: A single poo from a brachiosaurus was the size of a small car. A fun series for budding dinosaur fans.